Assevillers New - British Cemetery

Assevillers was taken by the French in the autumn of 1916, evacuated by the Fifth Army on the 26th March, 1918, and retaken by the 5th Australian Division on the 28th August, 1918. A number of cemeteries were made by the French troops at Assevillers, and in one ("E"), at the West end of the village, 13 soldiers from the United Kingdom were buried by Field Ambulances in February and March, 1917; they are now reburied in Fouquescourt British Cemetery. Assevillers New British Cemetery was made after the Armistice by the concentration of graves from the battlefields of the Somme and from other burial grounds, including:- BARLEUX GERMAN CEMETERY, about 365 metres North-East of Barleux, in which ten Australian soldiers were buried by their comrades in August and September, 1918. BOUCHAVESNES (or PERONNE ROAD) GERMAN CEMETERY, between Marrieres Wood and Bouchavesnes, in which seven South African soldiers and three from the United Kingdom were buried by the enemy in March, 1918. It was at Marrieres Wood that the South African Brigade was annihilated on the 24th March, 1918. ESTREES-DENIECOURT GERMAN CEMETERY, between Estrees and Fay, where two Australian soldiers were buried by the enemy. FOUCAUCOURT FRENCH MILITARY CEMETERY, at the South-West corner of the village, where four soldiers from the United Kingdom were buried in 1915 and 1917. HIGHWAY CEMETERY, CAPPY, a French Military Cemetery midway between Cappy and Herbecourt, where six men of the R.H.A. and one Australian soldier were buried in August and September, 1918. HYENCOURT-LE-GRAND GERMAN CEMETERY, made by the 61st Infantry Regiment on the Chaulnes-Marchelepot road, where two R.A.F. officers were buried in May, 1918. KIBOKO WOOD CEMETERY, BIACHES, by a small copse between Biaches and Flaucourt, where 30 United Kingdom soldiers were buried by the 40th Division in February and March, 1917. All but one belonged to the Royal Warwicks, and twenty of these to the 1st/6th Battalion. MISERY CHATEAU GERMAN CEMETERY, where 16 soldiers from the United Kingdom were buried by a German Field Hospital in March, 1918. P.C. HEDEVAUX FRENCH MILITARY CEMETERY, 548 metres South of Belloy-en-Santerre, where ten soldiers from the United Kingdom were buried by their comrades in February and March, 1917. (P.C. means Poste de Commandement.) PLANTATION CEMETERY, a French Military Cemetery in the large Orchard 914 metres East of Cappy, where one United Kingdom soldier was buried in February, 1917, and four Australian in August and September, 1918. VAUVILLERS COMMUNAL CEMETERY, in which four soldiers from the United Kingdom who fell in March, 1918, were reburied. VERMANDOVILLERS FRENCH MILITARY CEMETERY, at the West end of the village, where two United Kingdom soldiers were buried in March, 1917, by their comrades. There are over 800, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, two-fifths are unidentified and special memorials are erected to 25 soldiers and one airman from the United Kingdom, known or believed to be buried among them. Other special memorials record the names of nine soldiers and two airmen from the United Kingdom, buried in other cemeteries, whose graves were destroyed by shell fire. The cemetery covers an area of 2,655 square metres and is enclosed by a stone rubble wall. Source -

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